research & context (Karlijn)
assignment 1:
2 min presentation exhibition
assignment 2:
research textile
Camira creates colourful Oceanic fabrics from recycled plastic bottles.
British textile company Camira has created fabrics that contain recycled plastic collected from oceans and beaches.

Camira's Oceanic range has a twill weave comprising a light warp and a deeply saturated weft.

Up to 50 per cent of the fibres are created from recycled plastic bottles that were sourced from the Mediterranean sea and beaches as part of the SEAQUAL Initiative – an organisation that works to combat marine plastic pollution by collecting and processing bottles.
"For every two kilograms (four metres) of oceanic fabric sold, one kilogram of waste is removed from the ocean," said Camira. "One metre of fabric equates to 26 plastic bottles."

The SEAQUAL Initiative processes marine plastic and post-consumer plastic bottles diverted from landfill to make the yarn.

The waste is washed, shredded into a mixture and then extruded into chips. The fibres are treated into yarn and texturised, before being sent to Camira's factory in Huddersfield, England.

Oceanic comprises 16 shades in total, ranging from neutrals to pastels and bolder options. Colours include soft yellow, turquoise, bright red and sage green.

Oceanic is the latest in a series of recycled textiles that Camira has produced in the past 20 years, beginning with a wool fabric made from old jumpers called ReSKU.

"We've always strived to break the traditional 'take-make-waste' model in favour of recycling, re-use and cyclical loops where we upcycle waste inputs to create new fabric," Camira said.

tutorials about techniques to make, paint or manipulate textiles.
Assignment 3:
make 5 materials/textiles of things you found in your area.
I looked at this online exhibition called Roffa's creators. It is an exhibition of the worldmuseum Rotterdam. Marwan Magroun and Meryem Slimani created a photoserie called KROSI Krosi is the Surinames word for clothing. Many Surinames words have found their way into Rotterdams street talk. And is spoken by a large group of Rotterdammers. It's illustrative of how cultures and customes combine into urban life. I really liked it that they combine really traditional clothing with streetstyle items to create a look.
people's opinion about area
Discussion partners indicate that residents in Hoogvliet are sometimes very private and there is little interaction. As a result, knowledge about each other is lacking, causing misunderstanding. This misunderstanding results
sometimes in prejudices and stereotyping statements.
I talked to someone who works at vriendendienst Hoogvliet. Vreindendienst Hoogvliet is a buddy project for the elderly, people with psychological or psychosocial problems and people with an intellectual disability. People who register with the Vriendendienst Hoogvliet have in common that they feel lonely and would like more contact with others. They play games together and talk with eachother and i think it is a beautiful innitiative.
"As a child I lived here with great pleasure, but now I am glad that I no longer live here. The atmosphere of the city where I now live is much nicer and there is more to do."
"I am very happy that we have a shopping center in Hoogvliet with so many different shops. You can actually get everything you need here."
"Hoogvliet is no longer what it used to be. Violence in the streets is increasing."
3 new experiments
when you have a washing machine, you know that it collects dust. I collected this dust and melted it into two layers of plastic. And I think it has become very cool
Deepen research
if you want people to talk about their problems they should feel comfortable so that's why i sketched two chill chairs
This hand formed chairs stand for open yourself up. And talk to the person who is on the other chair
Exercise 1

textile museum tilburg
Cultural identity seen through the politics of threads
Exercise 2
Electronic: From Kraftwerk to The Chemical Brothers exhibition review — Dizzying dance music trip is something to rave about.
They first try to get your attention. By saying something about the ambiance. Then they give some facts. Who made the work, who's work can you see. They try to give you the feeling that you are there, so tell something about what you here or how large the pieces are. They tell something about how the rooms or the exhibition on itself looks, is their a reason for doing it like this.
they use enumerative argumentation(and).

It is fun to read because they really try to explain the ambiance and the feelings that the works give you.
HDPE stands for High-Density Polyethylene and is found in containers with the recycle symbol 2 and it’s in common household items like your:
Milk jugs
Laundry detergent bottles
Plastic bags
Snack food packages
Cereal box liners
Milk jugs
Non-carbonated beverage bottles
Margarine tubs
Whipped topping tubs
Household cleaners
Laundry detergent soap bottles
The recycling of plastic has been part of the conservation movement and now the green movement of decades. Since it takes hundreds of years to break down plastic in a landfill, the only way to truly recycle plastic is to reuse it in its current form.

Recycling has become a bigger and bigger thing over the years and will be of even greater influence in the future. Not only are we trying to clean up the oceans, but this left over plastic needs a place to go. Where the current philosophy is that the separation of the household garbage happens at home and the recycling is being done by someone else, the shift is going to where the household can do the recycling themselves and create household or useful items from left over plastic at home.
I melted the pieces of plastic on a temperature of 195, because if the temperature would rise to 200 degrees, the plastic would burn and i didn't want that.
i wanted to experiment with a natural material. And then i wanted to look if i could show the dark side and the happy side of my area just by using flowers.
then i tried if i like pulled the piece of plastic faster out of the laminating machine if it would give an other effect and that worked.
Then i wanted to experiment with making a net look less industrial.